Tag Archive | grateful

Dragon’s Loyalty Award


First and foremost I want to say a HUGE thank you to Sarah Clare for nominating this mess I call a blog for this award! She’s an extremely awesome British person who found me on my very first day here in the blogosphere and has been encouraging me ever since. You should all check out her blog here.

And apparently now I have 7 things to say about myself:

1. I love all things British. I blame/thank the following people for this:

  • My amazing high school English teacher, who made me love the language I was struggling with for 4 years, and was almost ready to give upon, by teaching us the fun stuff like ‘gobsmacked’ and ‘it’s raining cats and dogs out there’ (still waiting to use that one in a sentence…). Our ninth grade school trip to London is still my favourite high school memory.
  • All the great writers, past and present, to name just a few: P.G. Wodehouse (for always making me laugh even on my worst day), J.K. Rowling, A.A. Milne, Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, William Makepeace Thackeray, Charles Dickens. The list goes on.
  • Phil Collins, Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry, Martin Freeman, Johnny Lee, Miller, the entire cast of Yes, minister!/Blackadder/Cabin pressure/all hilarious BBC radio comedies.

2. Sticking with the British theme, as far as weird crushes go, and I have never said this ‘aloud’, I think Wayne Rooney is handsome. There, I said it, no takebacks and I’m not even sorry. DO NOT fight me on this, or judge, I WILL throw virtual things at you. My Dad & I are huge fans. He doesn’t think he’s handsome though. That would be weird.

3. I played the violin for 9 years and hated every second of it. *ugh, parents who think their 5-year-old playing a musical instrument is cute*

4. I’ve never been seriously sick before, but when I do get the occasional cold, I reserve the right to act like a giant baby and boss the whole family around.

5. Despite loving books, I don’t possess an ounce of literary talent. That’s OK though, I’m planning to win a Nobel Prize instead. 🙂

On a more serious note…

6. Making friends doesn’t come easy for me. Working on that.

7. I’m a mixed breed, it goes something like this (this is kind of hard to explain):

  • Dad is Hungarian, born in Serbia (former Yugoslavia).
  • Mom is Montenegrin, born in Serbia (former Yugoslavia).
  • I was also born in Serbia, along with my brother.
  • We moved to Hungary after the war broke out, I live and go to school in Budapest, but go back for the winter/summer holidays.
  • I speak both languages.

People usually think this is awesome. I think it’s confusing. Mostly just feel like I don’t quite belong to either country.

And now that I’ve made everyone feel sorry for me (that really wasn’t my intention), moving onto…

I haven’t been here long, so I don’t really know too many people, and not many people know me, but a few of you have been very kind to me with your comments and likes, so I’m nominating the following blogs for this award:


Here’s hoping for a fun 2014 and meeting many more of you!